Small Preservation Kennel
in Southwest Minnesota
One of the only ethical Shiba Inu breeders in Minnesota. All of our dogs are fully health tested above and beyond the OFA CHIC requirements for the breed.
We are proudly a member of Nihonken Hozonkai (NIPPO) and the National Shiba Club of America (NSCA).
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.
About Us
We are located in Southwestern Minnesota near the South Dakota border. Tobitatsu (飛び立つ) means to 'fly away' in Japanese. I feel like in a sense, I am taking off to begin my journey now in the preservation of Shiba Inu.Tobitatsu Sou is a passion project. I've been involved in Nihon Ken (Japanese Dogs) for over 17 years. I got my first Shiba Inu in 2007. Showing dogs in conformation has been a dream of mine since I was a child. I attended many local dog shows in my teenage years and had a fascination with seeing all of the dogs in the ring. I recently began showing my dogs in the summer of 2021 and I have been gaining so much experience and having fun along the way!My program is currently very small. We have plans to collaborate with other Midwest Shiba breeders in the next ~5 years.My mentors include Marilyn Pikal of Kayobi Shiba (Minnesota) as well as Pam and Leah Crowley of Kokuryuu Shiba (Wisconsin). Marilyn was so kind and allowed me to co-own Suzy, the mother of our first litter. Marilyn is also who we do a lot of shows with! Leah and Pam have also allowed me to co-own my beautiful male Renton, which I finished as an AKC Champion in 2023. Both Leah and Pam have also helped me out tremendously with improving my handling.All of my mentors have been a huge help in my journey and I am so appreciative of their time and efforts.
In Loving Memory
Our kennel name was also chosen since it includes 'Tobi' in it, which references my first Shiba Inu, Toby. He was an altered pet I owned for 12 years & was loved greatly by his entire family. He was my first introduction to not only Shiba Inu but, also sparked my interest and passion in the other Japanese breeds.Toby passed away in March 2020 after losing a battle against cancer.
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.
About the Shiba Inu
The Shiba Inu (She-bah Ee-new) is a highly prey-driven small game hunting breed. They were designated as a National Monument of Japan in 1936 and are treasured in their country of origin. They are one of six spitz breeds that originate from Japan. Shiba are the smallest. The medium breeds are Kai, Kishu, Shikoku and Hokkaido. The largest is Akita. All six breeds together are collectively called the 'Nihon Ken' -- which means Japanese Dogs.The Shiba is a small dog. Generally weighing around 16-25 pounds. They're body is compact while having a short and dense double coat. Shiba shed all year round and typically blow their entire undercoat 1-2 times a year, depending on the individual dog. If shedding is not something you can deal with, I highly suggest steering clear of owning a Shiba Inu.
Shiba Inu are a fairly healthy breed overall. Reputable breeders will screen their dogs to do they best they can to ensure your puppy will not suffer from these issues. Always ask for health certificates! The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals has a public database to look through that will show what testing your breeder has done to ensure healthy breeding parents.The breed suffers from glaucoma at an alarmingly high rate. It isn't uncommon for Shibas to develop eye issues later in life and go blind or have so much eye pressure that the eye has to be removed. Slipping/loose knees (luxating patella) are common among mill and backyard bred Shibas and later stages of LP 3-4 require major knee surgery costing thousands of dollars.The most deadly condition found in Shiba is called Gangliosidosis. It is a hereditary condition that affects the nervous system/brain and has no cure. It has a 100% fatality rate before the age of 2. This condition is completely preventable with genetic testing. Both parents must carry the gene for it to pass on to offspring. It is very uncommon but, tends to pop up in breedings between parent dogs not tested.
There will always be some variation to individuals in the breed but, Shiba should be confident and bold."The Japanese have three words to describe the Shiba temperament. The first is "kan-i" which is bravery and boldness combined with composure and mental strength. The opposite side of "kan-i" is "ryosei" which means good nature with a gentle disposition. One cannot exist without the other. The charming side of the Shiba is "Soboku" which is artlessness with a refined and open spirit. They combine to make a personality that Shiba owners can only describe as "irresistible."Information quoted from the National Shiba Club of America information document. A link to this website can be found on my 'Resources' page.Shiba are alert by nature. They're very prey-driven and work on instinct. They're considered a primitive breed. The breed is not typically cuddly and will want to stay a distance away from strangers. This does not mean they're not cuddly at all though, every line is different & there is variations to the breed. Some Shiba lines do have a more cuddly/sweet personality that can be passed down to offspring -- our male Renton is one such Shiba.People will say that Shiba can be off-leash but, be aware of their prey-driven tendencies. I personally do not recommend having your Shiba Inu off leash at any time. My Shiba personally do not have great recall and it takes a lot of work to get to the point where you can trust your dog. Since all of the dogs in our program have a strong prey drive, I would highly recommend avoiding off-leash activities.
Colors of the Shiba Inu
Sesame Shiba
There are multiple genes responsible for Sesame in Shiba Inu. 'Aw' is the Wild Agouti gene and produces a black ticking that covers the entire red parts of the body - including the face. 'Ays' is a newly discovered gene but, it has always historically been in Shiba. Both genes are dominant but, the Red 'Ay' gene is dominant over these two genes. It produces a black ticking that covers most of the red parts of the body, other than around the eyes. It almost always creates a widow's peak type of pattern above the eyes.Both colors are visually similar other than the differences between the face. The darkness of the black ticking and the amount of ticking is also determined by what other genes the dog is carrying. Cream carriers (Ee) will have stronger urajiro and Black and Tan carriers (at) will have slightly more black ticking.
Red Shiba
The only gene responsible for Red Shiba Inu is 'Ay'. It is a dominant gene and can express with 1 copy. This is the typical color expected of a Shiba. The color can be changed in multiple ways depending on which genes are also behind the dominant Ay gene.A red 'Ay' dog can have the sesame genes (Aw or Ays) and the black and tan gene (at) behind it. All of these genes create varying degrees of black ticking on a red dog.The strength of the Urajiro (white underside) of the Shiba is determined by multiple genes but, as of right now we only know of the cream gene (E/e) affecting it. Cream carriers (Ee) usually have brighter white urajiro and white eyebrow dots above the eyes. Non cream carriers (ee) do not often have the white eyebrow dots - as shown in my photo example.
Black and Tan Shiba
The only gene responsible for Black and Tan Shiba Inu is 'at'. This is a recessive gene so both parents need to have a copy of the gene to express this color.The Black and Tan color has the same overlay of color as a Sesame, except a much stronger concentration of black color. There should always be the characteristic chest markings in the shape of a bird & the two markings above. The tan eyebrow points should be the size of a thumb print.The most ideal Black and Tan is one that has a visibly red undercoat and doesn't have a blue tint to the color. When you pull back the guard hairs to look at the undercoat, you should be able to see a red/buff undercoat.
Cream Shiba
The Cream Shiba Inu is a product of two parents having at least one cream gene (E/e). It is a recessive gene and can only be expressed with two copies of the gene.While this color is undesirable in the show ring, they can still make fantastic companions.
Other Colors
Any other variations beyond the colors/examples shown above are not standard colors. The Shiba Inu only comes in three colors that are showable and should be bred from.Pinto, Creeping Tan (Red Headed Black & Tans) and Shiba with spotting on their legs are NOT breed standard and should never be bred from & those breeders should not be supported.
Order of Gene Dominance
On the A Locus, the genes' order of dominance is as follows:Ay (Red) > Ays (Red Sesame) > Aw (Wild Agouti Sesame) > at (Black & Tan)Due to this dominance, it is possible for the other genes to pass through multiple generations before ever being expressed. Since Aw is the least dominant gene of the 3 dominant A Locus genes, it gets hidden the most through breeding. But, thanks to advances in DNA testing, we are able to use labs like UC Davis to find this gene in our dogs!
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.
Our Current Shiba Inu
Male ♂
Multi OH Group Placing
CH Kokuryuu's Seventh Swell TKP VSWB FITB
Puppy of AchievementRecipient of the National Shiba Club of America Outstanding Trick Dog
Award for 2023
AKC #: NP74486406
Color: Sesame (awat, Ee)
Date of Birth: January 3rd, 2022
Pedigree: Link
Eyes: Clear - Feb 2023
Hips: Good
Elbows: Normal
Patellas: Normal
GM1 (Gangliosidosis): Clear via DNA
OFA Testing ResultsBred by: Pam Crowley and Leah Crowley (of Kokuryuu Shibas)
Owned by: Stephanie Koch, Pam Crowley and Leah CrowleyNotable Wins
August 2022 - Best of Breed Puppy, Puppy Group 4
October 5th, 2022 - Best of Breed, Best of Winners (3pt Major)
October 2022 - Winner's Dog, Best of Winners, Owner Handled Best of Breed, Owner Handled Group 3 (4pt Major)
February 26th, 2023 - Best of Winners, Owner Handled Best of Breed (5pt Major)
June 2nd, 2023 - Select Dog, Best of Breed Owner Handled, OH Group 2
Female ♀
AKC Major Pointed
Bonsai Wolf Lotus Blossom at Tobitatsu TKI FITS
AKC #: NP82455001
Color: Red (AyAy, EE)
Date of Birth: February 9th, 2023
Pedigree: LinkEyes: Clear - Oct 2023
Hips: Too Young
Elbows: Too Young
Patellas: Normal
GM1 (Gangliosidosis): Clear via DNA
OFA Testing ResultsBred by: Michelle Mak (of Bonsai Wolf Shiba Inu)
Owned by: Stephanie KochNotable Wins
November 18th, 2023 - WInner's Bitch (3pt Major)
May 26th, 2024 - Best of Breed
June 2nd, 2024 - Winner's Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex (3pt Major)
October 2024 - Winner's Bitch
Female ♀
AKC Major Pointed
Tobitatsu Walking in the Wind TKN VSWB FITB
AKC #: NP90009101
Color: Red
Date of Birth: February 5th, 2024
Pedigree: Link out of Suzy x Senzo
Eyes: Clear - Oct 2024
Hips: Too Young
Elbows: Too Young
Patellas: Too Young
GM1 (Gangliosidosis): Clear via DNA
OFA Testing ResultsBred by: Stephanie Koch & Marilyn Pikal
Owned by: Stephanie KochNotable Wins
August 2024 - Winner's Bitch
October 2024 - Best of Opposite Sex & Winner's Bitch (x3)
November 2024 - Best of Breed, Best of Winners & Winner's Bitch (4pt Major)
Show Hopefuls
None at this time, we are hoping to grow out some show prospects later this year!
What do the acronyms mean?
In the American Kennel Club (AKC), we have Championship titles but, also sport and family dog titles as well. Each title has a shorter abbreviated version that goes onto the dog's registered name. Here is a list of the titles we have earned and what they stand for. While no titles are required for breeding, it is important to value what breeders are putting into their dogs and shows their versatility as an individual. A dog that is getting advanced titles in something other than conformation means that you may also end up with a pet puppy out of that dog that is also motivated and trainable as well!
CH = AKC Champion
AKC Major Pointed = This dog has earned at least 1 out of 2 majors required for their AKC Championship
AKC Pointed = This dog has earned points towards their AKC Championship
Puppy of Achievement = This dog earned 10 PoA points from the puppy classes before the age of 1 year old
Trick Dog
TKN = Trick Dog Novice
TKI = Trick Dog Intermediate
TKA = Trick Dog Advanced
TKP = Trick Dog Performer
Family Dog/Other
FITB = Fit Dog Bronze
FITS = Fit Dog Silver
VSWB = Virtual Scent Work Beginner
VHMP = Virtual Home Manners Puppy
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.
We are considering placing Nikko to the right home. Nikko is 4 months old. She is VERY sweet and playful. She is crate trained, completely finished her puppy shots, annual rabies shot and is microchipped. She is AKC registered and is enrolled in AKC Reunite. She must be spayed after 1 year of age and AKC paperwork will be transferred to you with proof of her spay.Homes in the upper Midwest region preferred. We do not transport, you must come here to SW Minnesota to pick up. Our current puppy price is $2850 (including tax).If you're interested in joining our waiting list or applying for a currently available puppy, our application can be found here: Application Form. You must fill out our form so we can get a better idea of your lifestyle and living situation to see if you're a good fit for a Shiba Inu puppy. Please fill it out thoroughly or your application will likely be ignored.If you are not contacted right away, we may contact you when puppies are on the ground.
Maeko is a 3 year old female Shikoku Ken, a larger cousin of Shiba Inu. She is available to a pet home. She is very loving to her people, loves rubbing on her people and rolling around on the floor underneath your feet. She loves all kinds of toys, especially teaser toys on string and plush squeaky toys.She is available as an only pet or with one male dog. She will take some time to adjust so please be willing to be patient with her. PLEASE read up on the breed, they can be a bit pushy with other dogs and rough in play. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.She has an adoption fee that just covers the cost of her spay (~$500-600) and homes in the upper midwest region (ND, SD, MN, WI, IA) are preferred. I do not ship, you must come to SW Minnesota for pick up.Application form is linked above. Fill it out fully and include 'Other: Maeko' for which dog you're interested in.
Litter Plans
• Planned for Early 2025
Hana (Bonsai Wolf Lotus Blossom at Tobitatsu TKI FITS) x Renton (CH Kokuryuu's Seventh Swell TKP VSWB FITB)
Red possible, sesame & black/tan carriers possible.• Tentatively Planned for Late 2025 into 2026
Hana (Bonsai Wolf Lotus Blossom at Tobitatsu TKI FITS) x TBA (Possibly AKC CH Kobushi Fire Storm or his sire, this is still in the works) Red possible.• Tentatively Planned for 2026
Byakko, color outcomes to be determined when pairings are chosen -- and pending health testing.Possibly a final litter with Hana, depending on the outcome of 2025 puppies.
We do not ship puppies. If you would like a puppy from us then you will need to pick up your puppy in Minnesota. It is a great way for us to meet you in person. For multiple safety reasons, we may not allow you into our personal home or to view our parent dogs. We will do our best to provide the best experience to watch the puppies grow online. If you are ever interested in meeting us, please let us know and try to stop by at a local dog show! We frequent the upper Midwest (ND, SD, MN, IA, WI) show area.We are ~3 hours from Minneapolis−Saint Paul International Airport in Minneapolis, MN and a little under 2 hours away from Sioux Falls Regional Airport in Sioux Falls, SD.
What do you get for choosing Tobitatsu Sou?- A lifetime of support -- we want to know how your puppy is growing and developing every step of the way. Through the good and the bad.- All puppies are started on their puppy shots (1-2 rounds) & a deworming, as well as vet records for each of their visits.- A bag of their current food, AKC folder & a puppy pack.- Limited AKC Registration, your puppy cannot be shown in conformation but, they can participate in any other AKC event like agility and other sports. Later down the road, we may offer co-ownerships for those who want to show. At the current moment, that is not available.- Entered into the Shiba Inu and Nihon Ken pedigree databases, all our dogs are logged through these pedigree databases so you can see every dog we've produced as well as what testing has been done for each dog.
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.
National Shiba Club of America - Link - The main parent club for Shiba Inu for the American Kennel Club, has a host of useful information and a breeder directory of members of the club.Orthopedic Foundation for Animals - Link - The main body for health testing in the United States and beyond. You can check dogs by their registered name or number to find out if they're listed on OFA. Dogs above 2 years of age should have all of their health testing credentials listed on this website prior to breeding OR be able to provide you with proof.
Shiba Inu Breeders We Work With & Approve Of
Kayobi Shibas - Link - One of my mentors & the breeder I am currently working with on a co-own for Suzy, our little red Shiba girl. So very thankful for being given a chance to own her dogs and include her lines in my program! She is located just an hour away in Minnesota from us!Kokuryuu Shibas - Link - Another fantastic kennel to check out, I am working with them on our co-owned sesame Shiba boy — Renton. Both Pam & Leah have been an amazing support team for me as mentors & friends. So thankful for their advice in showing and other aspects of Shiba Inu. They are located in Wisconsin.Kuro Oka Shiba Inu - Link - A stunning kennel in western South Dakota that we are planning to work with in the next few years. Bill & Lynne are such kind and helpful people. Definitely consider them for a wonderful pet!Bonsai Wolf Shiba Inu - Link - A newer breeder that we closely collaborate with. They are located in central California. We have a Shiba puppy from one of their breedings -- Hana and have also used their stud Senzo for a breeding. If you are looking for a breeder in California and the west coast area, I high recommend checking out their program!Diwa Sou Shiba Inu - Link - A newer breeder we are close friends with and hope to work with in the future. She is located in northern Florida & has some great imports as well as similar lineage to some of our dogs.
Contact Form
Please use this contact form to get in contact with me. It goes directly to my email! If you filled out my application and want to contact me, this is the best way to get started. I will try to respond when I am able to.
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.
Previous Litters
Suzy x Chester
Kayobi's Vermilion Sparrow TKN VSWB FITB x
AKC CH Kayobi Cheshire Kat
Born September 7th, 2024
4 Girls (2 Red, 2 Black & Tan)
"Chromie" Tobitatsu Instigator of Time - Went to a family in Wisconsin!"Nikkō" Tobitatsu Golden Hour - Staying at Tobitatsu Shiba for now!"Katja" Tobitatsu Supernatural at Kayobi - Went to Kayobi Shibas to grow out as a show prospect!"Haruko" Tobitatsu Permission to Dance - Went to a family in Minnesota! You can follow her on Instagram:
Puppy Photos
~ Updates ~
Chromie • Nikko • Katja • Haruko
We are already getting adorable updates from Haruko's family! Onyx is currently being grown out and we can't wait for Chromie to find her perfect family!
Suzy x Senzo
Kayobi's Vermilion Sparrow TKN VSWB FITB x
AKC CH Rankyu go Hidden Cascade
Born February 5th, 2024
3 Girls (2 Red, 1 Sesame), 1 Boy (Red)
"Byakko" Tobitatsu Walking in the Wind TKN VSWB FITB - Staying at Tobitatsu Shiba!"Saki" Tobitatsu If I Could Fly TKN VSWB FITB - Went to a family in Minnesota and now has an older brother Shiba to play with!"Bodi" Tobitatsu Still the One - Went to a family in Illinois! You can follow him on Instagram: @boditheshiba"Suki" Tobitatsu Midnight Memories - Went to a family in Minnesota! You can follow her on Instagram: @ohsmallchild
Puppy Photos
~ 9 Month Update ~
Saki • Bodi • Byakko • Suki
We are so happy with how this litter is turning out and we are also so happy that Bodi and Suki are living loving & fulfilling lives with their families!
Website (c) Tobitatsu Shiba, 2020-2024. Do not use any content or images without my permission.